you’ve met anna, now meet crochetbyak

Let me give you the spark notes on how I found fiber arts:

  • The world shut down, and I was lost

  • Mom suggested I tried crocheting with old hooks and yarn we had laying around

  • I tried. I sobbed because I didn’t get it

  • I picked up again the next day, and found myself really loving the process of creating

  • I kept going and learning and growing, and ended up here

Or at least, that’s the goal. As I apply for jobs (maybe you’re reading this because of my application. If you are, hey!! I hope you’re liking my website!!) I am also working on this sweater. As I inch closer to finishing my sweater, I will hopefully also be inching closer to finishing my job hunt. Once the sweater is done, I’ll officially have started my career as an art director. And how cool would it be to say you hired someone because they knit a sweater? Personally, I think that’s something I’d want to get in on.

This Sweater Got Me A Job

This video changed my life. In the height of the pandemic, it become popular to recreate the JW Anderson Cardigan that Harry Styles wore. I created a video on it, and thousands of people started to watch. It is my most watched video to date, coming in at one million views.

Recreating a crocheted top from the show The Summer I Turned Pretty. This video really shows my design process and how I navigate creating garments.

One of my most recent videos recapping everything I crocheted and knit in 2022

my designs

While I admire the work of others, I found myself inspired to create my own. All of these have been designed by me, and are accompanied by a written pattern that went through a full testing process.

check out my instagram :)